Doesn’t time fly….

Although I taught from 2000 I didn’t get my first equipment until 2010. Takes time saving money, pilates equipment is expensive. I even had to sell my horse back then to help afford things. Plus it helps to have a supportive mum that helps you build your brand. Small businesses really do have to make personal sacrifices to survive or thrive. Today I have full range of authentic equipment in the studio. I’m just missing Read more…

Studio Apparatus

Two weeks into the New Year, and we’ve already had snow and ice trying to disrupt our good intentions! If you are feeling like you want a change, or try something new, I would absolutely recommend trying the apparatus in the new studio. Whether you’re at the start of your pilates journey or a more experienced practitioner, there are exercises I can show you using Pilates equipment that can challenge and benefit you personally and Read more…

…and breathe

The whole Christmas and New Year period can feel overwhelming so this is a little reminder to us all just to stop and enjoy the moment…and breathe. Pilates has so many additional benefits than just fitness, improving your breathing techniques can help manage stress and improve overall lung function.Deep breathing, concentrating on your breath increases oxygen flow to your mind and muscles, will calm the body down and we do this in class to improve Read more…

Teaching and Pilates

Teaching Is My Passion, But Pilates Is My Life I am so appreciative that my career combines my personal passions of Pilates and teaching. These two aspects of my life journey intertwine, shaping who I am and how I engage with the world around me. Pilates is more than just a form of exercise; it’s a holistic approach to wellness that emphasises the connection between body and mind, allowing me to embrace each day with Read more…

Try and be patient with Pilates!

Try and be patient with Pilates. The real Joseph Pilates Method takes time to make lasting changes which means more than one lesson. It doesn’t matter if you are already strong and fit in other things you still need to master the basics in Pilates before doing the advanced moves. When starting with injury or imbalances you need to understand the basics in order to make changes in your body. Every movement matters. Your alignment, Read more…

Private vs Mat

Privates are worth it even if you only have one before joining a class. This includes Mat classes. You learn how to move safely and effectively. This is also referencing authentic pilates not fitness pilates or gym on a spring. The real Joseph Pilates Method. There is a big difference in how it feels in your body and how it is taught. .