Education and information allows us to make our own informed decisions and continue to learn everyday.

I get asked everyday – why is your Pilates different?

My answer is not a simple one. I wish it was but anyone can advertise a Pilates class even with no pilates relevant training.

Regardless of your teachers lovely personality it normally depends on how much they know about the real Joseph Pilates Method. Have they been educated in the whole method which includes studio equipment and hundreds of hours of apprentice hours of different types.

If you wish to be taught by teachers who have experience in learning the Joseph Pilates Method it should be part of your session. If you are not really bothered what you are doing as long as moving your body then just chose a class that moves your body in a safe way.

The word Pilates can be used in front of anything by anyone doing anything. No qualification whatsoever is needed to use the word Pilates.

Pilates Ball

Pilates chips, cheese & gravy

Pilates class

The word Pilates does not mean you are getting anything that Joseph pilates invented, demonstrated or documented.

Chose a class you like and ask your teacher who they have been educated by or have done learning hours with, is normally a good start to know if you are doing anything related to the Joseph Pilates Method.

Like who you like. Love the class you attend. Do what feels good in your body. Asking questions can help to educate yourself and your teacher.

I do continuing education through teacher training workshops including international travel to workshops to keep my skills relevant, authentic and transferable to all clients. Every week new archival Joseph pilates gems are still found and it’s great to keep on top of them and continue to deliver his great lifetime of work to clients.

We learn everyday and sharing information helps us to grow and learn. Lots of clients and teachers do not know about what Joseph Pilates invented so it’s great we can ask questions and always learn more and develop new skills. Never too late to learn more, change or start doing something new.

Categories: PilatesStudio