There should be one type of Pilates which is the original Joseph Pilates Method which was named after the creator Joseph Pilates. Then all classes you attend have familiarity, continuity and clarity. The only difference in classes over time should be your teachers personality.
Your class should and can still be can varied as his method had many sequences, choreography, modifications and equipment. He had standing exercises, Mat exercises, wall exercises, boxing moves, gladiator moves, Greek statue moves, equipment and much more. The whole body should be worked and all your muscles felt. Over time you should improve in your strength and flexibility. Be more body aware and improve your posture. Your imbalances should be pointed out and balanced.
For example most Mat exercises had specific names and any class you attend you should recognise some of them. Some names from his own book- Return to Life through Contrology are as follows;
Roll Up
Roll Over
One leg Circle
Rolling back
One leg Stretch
Spine stretch
Swan Dive
Neck Pull
Jack Knife
Control Balance
Do you use props such as 2×4 board, circle, squares, bean bag, pole, small barrel to name a few. You should if you are doing Pilates.
Do you know how to breath. Do you at some point exhale all the air out fully until you feel your abdominals. You should if you are doing Pilates.
Most people feel taller and good when they finish their Pilates session.
Is your teacher trained in the full Joseph Pilates Method. A comprehensively trained teacher has trained for hundreds or sometimes thousands of hours to learn properly. To understand the full method of Pilates. They are trained in matwork, standing, wall and full studio equipment. This does include reformer, cadilac, Wunda chair, electric chair, ladder barrel, spine corrector, Ped-O-Pul, push up device, barrels, foot corrector, toe corrrctor, magic circle, 2×4 and many more.
If you don’t have all the pieces to the puzzle you don’t get the full picture. If your teacher has not learnt the whole Method then they don’t know what they don’t know. Maybe think about why a class might be £5 not £15. You sometimes get what you pay for.
All movement is generally great for the body. All different types of exercises are good to go to. Some classes work well along side each other. Certain classes enhance other things you do. All exercise is good for you.
if you are going to a yoga class you should be doing yoga, if you are going to the gym you should be lifting weights, if you go to gymnastics you should be doing gymnastics. So if you are attending a Pilates class you should be doing Pilates. There is nothing wrong with inventing new things or blending exercises or making things up but it’s always best that we think of the old saying – is it what it says on the tin. Something worth thinking about.
We love some classes or exercises or teachers. We can love what we want. But it’s always easier if we know what we are getting. If I personally was sat in a restaurant waiting for a lovely filet steak, I would be disappointed if I was brought chicken. Chicken is lovely but not what I asked for at the time.