Pilates is an exercise method designed to elongate, strengthen, gain endurance and restore the body to balance. It is based upon an anatomical understanding of the body’s muscular and skeletal systems. Sessions integrate the whole body to re-educate and restore it to optimum muscular and skeletal function.

Osteopaths, Physiotherapists and General Practioners often recommend Pilates as one of the most effective forms of exercise today. Pilates can be beneficial for just about everyone, regardless of age and fitness level.

As Pilates can be done safely everyday or once a week it is easy to fit in with any lifestyle. Due to the flexibility within Pilates exercises and modifications that can be done it can be adapted to anyone, young, old, fit, unfit or even injured and disabled. I now love to try and help others rebalance their bodies, recover from injuries, assist to alleviate aches and pains and just generally make people fitter, leaner, stronger, lengthened and more aware of their own body.

The great thing about Pilates is that just about anyone can do it from couch potatoes to fitness fanatics and professional sports people.

What I offer

Pilates provides so many options. Choose what's best of you, your body and your lifestyle.

Authentic Pilates

Keepin it Joe

Our sessions are authentic Pilates and delivered by a highly trained instructor who has taught international clients as well as local ones. Thousands of hours of teaching and training including very exclusive international training and workshops on authentic apparatus.


In the comfort of your own home

Some of us prefer the option of a virtual session - either one to one or class based.

Arrange a time that suits your lifestyle without the hassle of travelling.


The studio has replicas of authentic (and thought lost) equipment from Joseph Pilates apparatus collection.
Pilates is not a stretch class it’s hard work for the whole body. Like anything to get optimal benefits consistency and correct execution is very important.


Assists you in correct breathing

Assists you in using correct breathing for the exercises Joe invented. Really promotes full breath in and full breath out using your powerhouse. We have one in the studio and multiple windmills that give you a similar experience when instructed correctly.



The possibilities are endless

This is much loved piece of apparatus in the studio by my clients. From simple movements to what seems like gymnastics the design allows you to position your body in ways you never thought possible!

The Refomer

The Refomer

Works your whole body

The design of any Reformer uses springs to increase resistance and so can be more intense and more dynamic than mat based Pilates exercises.
Reformer Pilates is superior to mat based Pilates and a favourite of my clients.

What's Happening

Studio Apparatus

Two weeks into the New Year, and we’ve already had snow and ice trying to disrupt our good intentions! If you are feeling like you want a change, or try something new, I would absolutely Read more…

Getting there!

The new studio is coming together with the bench mats moved over and some of the decor done. Exciting times!

…and breathe

The whole Christmas and New Year period can feel overwhelming so this is a little reminder to us all just to stop and enjoy the moment…and breathe. Pilates has so many additional benefits than just Read more…